Greatest show on earth. Read the article HERE. In Iceland, a volcano has been going off for some time. From what I see on the news, it is a non-violent eruption and people have been able to walk right up to the lava flows, very close.
When I was in the Navy at Pearl Harbor (Oahu) The volcano going off on the Big Island would give us hazy skies and I always wanted to go see the lava. But on Hawaii, it was too explosive and violent, so I never did. (That and laziness and the expense, etc.) The active volcano in Costa Rica was hidden in a shroud of clouds, and although we were techically in a danger zone, couldn’t see a durn thing.
I’ve never seen the northern lights either, We looked for them in Canada, but nada.
So, for me, the pictures and the story from the article above are spectacular, and I’d love to see it, especially both at once!.
Have a good Wednesday!