I Now Believe Global Warming Is Real


When we were at (and on) the Athabasca Glacier, there were photos that showed the glacier receding over the years. My brother in law in Drake Bay, Costa Rica, last night was telling my wife about his colleague/associate/acquaintance has been measuring the decline in the numbers of frogs and snakes in the rainforests. When I got certified to scuba dive in 1981, we’d see sharks on practically every other dive, often groups of sharks. Now, seeing a shark is rare, one in ten or more dives.

Glacial decline has been measured since the 1850’s, (according to an article on Wikipedia), so I’m not sure it’s all humans fault, but I think humans main power is destructive and we need to change. I remember a book I read years ago, “Mutant Message Down Under”, and ask, Which society is more advanced? One that lives in a place 10,000 years, and you can’t even tell they were ever there? Or a society that practically destroys it’s environment with pollution and war in 250 years?

I think the answer is obvious.

Today is my first day back at work since my vacation. blah. Why do I have to go work to get money to buy a fish for dinner when I could just go out and get the fish myself. Because I also have to pay for my house and the bills. The whole system of money has something inherently wrong with it.

Spring Is Coming

Spring is definitely coming. Around these parts, I can tell the days are definitely getting longer and that the afternoons are brighter. That’s a good thing for me

There’s a pretty strong wind coming from the north, yesterday was rough at my beach lunch and the cruise ships stopped on the south side of the island instead of the west. Probably will be the same today.

I am supposed to get the new (used) Kindle today. Hopefully.

That’s it! Gotta go! Have a wonderful day! 

New Underwater Camera

Got a new camera before Christmas. First time I took it in the water was yesterday.


I had been waiting for “the right time” to get it wet, but the right time never came. So I took it out yesterday. It was rough and wavy and murky, but I took it out anyway.





It is much better than the old camera!

Ditto the Dawg took a big fall down the stairs this morning. He didn’t want me to help him down but I should have anyway. He’s so old. He’s OK, he just knocked over a table and made a really loud noise.

Have a good Tuesday!

Blog Neglect

After reviewing my posts for the past week, I am amazed that I forgot to tell you that last weekend I went diving, and flooded my video camera. I apologize for this gross oversight.

On the bright side, I’m getting a new video camera, and I expect it to arrive today!

drift ghost s

Drift Ghost-S Action Camera

The camera is waterproof to 3 meters, (10 feet) which isn’t good enough for my needs, so I also ordered:

drift uw caseThe underwater case, good to 60 meters or 197 feet.

So I should be good to go again for awhile. This is a far superior camera and I was pretty impressed with the old one, so we’ll see how it goes! I know I’m gonna like it!



Tuesday Monday

It’s Monday, but really it’s Tuesday.

Yesterday was the best day of the weekend. We went to the beach and snorkeling.[jwplayer config=”Player-320-480″ mediaid=”9659″]

Above is a photo and a super short (3 seconds) video of a triggerfish that hid as soon as I saw him.

And that’s about it. Also, last month, when The Wife went to Costa Rica, she brought me back a coffee cup gift from our cousins. It’s pretty  fancy, with the saucer and the spoon and everything…

markoffeeYodito means super strong coffee, and has something to do with iodine.

I have been working at the Airport for 6 months now. That means my probation is over. I have to get an evaluation to make it official. Today..

Seeing The Appeal

Mar 17, 2013 1017 (2)Lately people have been doing this “stand up paddleboarding”. I don’t see the appeal. To me, it doesn’t look like much fun. First time I saw anyone on a kayak, windsurfing or hang gliding or sailing in a sailboat, I thought “Dang, now that looks cool!” But paddleboarding looks slow and boring. You have to have flat calm water and it looks terribly inefficient. On a kayak you can put your back into it and get going as fast as you can. Paddleboarding looks like the challenge is to stand up and paddle at all. Apparently it’s all the new rage, but I don’t see the thrill.

DO you see the thrill?

Wordless Wednesday

jan-23-2013-000jan-23-2013-001For those of you who don’t know, when you don’t have anything to say, and it’s Wednesday, it’s legal to do a post called Wordless Wednesday, not to be confused with Silent Saturday. So since I have nothing to post about today, I’m just posting these pictures and I’m not saying a word.

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Smith Cove at Lunchtime

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Above and below are my attempts and over/under shots. You try to get the waterline exactly in the middle of the lens so that you can see both above and below the water. Dismal attempts.

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

Camera 14MP-9PC

More Of The Same, And Then Some

Yesterday I went back to the same beach as yesterday, I went snorkeling near Spanish Bay and walked around a bit, taking pictures. While snorkeling, a frikkin remora tried to attach itself to me. Bastad. Normally they just keep hassling you but I kept chasing it until it went away.

Today I don’t know what is planned. Maybe go pick up a check. Renew the PO Box. Smoke a cigar….