Maybe It’s Lockjaw!

i went to the doctor yesterday at the insistence of a co worker. I had a swollen ankle. Last week, during a dawg walk Daisy was attempting to attack her mortal enemy, the black dog across the street. I was holding her by her collar and she was lunging after him in front of me. I used my shin to push her out of the way and accidentally kicked her in the teeth.

Looks like a bite, but it’s not. Accidental if it is.

No big deal. Swollen ankle didn’t hurt and was fully flexible. i figured I dirt it without realizing it and it would get better by itself, but the dude at work put two and two together and insisted i check it out, so I did. I got an anti lockjaw (tetanus) shot and a weeks worth of antibiotics. It seems better this morning but probably would be getting better anyway.

Two years ago today the wife moved out. Two years ago last night was the last time I ever kissed my wife good night. I’ve come a long way since then.

Have a great, great day!

I Heard My Name.

The other weekend, like a freak, I was out standing in this tree I’m trying to heal. (The Otaheite Apple Tree, you’ve heard me talk about it). I’m standing in the tree, talking to it and looking for new growth like I do almost every day. My neighbor and his wife were outside too, although we couldn’t actually see each other.

All of a sudden I heard my wife’s voice call “Babe”. I stepped out of the tree. I looked around. That was my name. I heard it, where did my name come from? I remember every detail, the quality of the light, the texture of the side of the house, the too long grass and the weeds. I want to find my wife who called my name. I was walking, looking.

It must’ve taken me a full 60 seconds to figure out what was going on. In those 60 seconds I was either not human at all or fully human for he first time ever. There were no thinking words in my brain, no tangible thought. Time stopped. My name, I heard my name. I was on my way to provide anything the sayer of my name wanted.

After that long minute, it all started coming back to me. Wife’s long gone. Divorce final. It wasn’t my wife. It was the neighbors wife. Even when my wife was still here, my neighbors wife calling Babe sounded the same as my wife.

It wasn’t for me.

But the fact is, I heard my name. I heard my name for the first time in over a year. My name is Babe, and I miss hearing my name. I miss it real bad.

I can see again!

I got my new glasses yesterday and they are instantly so much better, that I can’t believe that I put up with that crap of the old glasses. I remember when I got the old ones new I thought they would take getting used to but I never got used to them. I believe they may have even hurt my eyes.

On this day in 2005 I met my wife. It’s surreal to go back to the 14th thru the 17th of September 2005 and read those posts on this blog. It will slay me if I can look back on these present days with 20/20 hindsight and see a way I could have saved my marriage., but I sure can’t see it now.

Notice I said 20/20 in a post about my glasses. Very clever!

Have a great day!

UPDATE! FOR SOME REASON, I THOUGHT TODAY WAS THE 16TH. I met my wife on the 16th of September 2005.

Free French Fries

Went to movie night with the wife last night. It was good. I’ve been maybe 10 times, Every time I order food I request the salad instead of French fries. Only once have I got the salad as requested. When the waiter brings it I say “I’m sorry, but I ordered salad, not fries,” and he checks his notes, finds I did indeed request salad instead of fries, apologizes, brings me a salad and I have free French fries. If I posted this on Trip Advisor, they would fix it immediately and you would never get free fries again, so don’t tell anybody. So if you want free French fries go to the Westin movie night and ask for the salad with your Burger. You might get free fries you might not.

Last night the movie was Dirty Dancing. I had seen it before. It was a really good crowd who was “Interacting” with the movie. ” Nobody puts Baby in the corner” And it was windy on the beach and the wind blew the inflatable movie screen over twice. The crowd cheered and went wild. It was a fun night.

Today is Friday and yesterday was payday.. I have to pay bills.

Tomorrow is works Family Fun Day at the beach. Normally I wouldn’t go but now it’s like “hell yeah!” People and food!

Have a great weekend!

Dart Family Park

12 second video

It was another good weekend. Saturday I met some friends at an often driven passed but seldom stopped at park. Pictures and video above.

Also I was productive replacing my thermostat in the house and an automatic ground fault indicator for the back porch outlets. For some reason, this one fails about once a year.

Also I went out for my birthday lunch Sunday with the wife. It was good to see her.

And, yesterday was my grandfathers birthday, born July 18th, 1895. Happy birthday Granpa!

And now for another Monday. Have a great week!

My Videos on TikTok

Queen Angelfish

Had a pretty nice weekend. Saturday went birdwatching with the wife. There is some kind of bird inventory going on. Also Saturday I made some slow cooker Barbecue that came out really good, I thought. Sunday, I went diving and posted the two videos above on TikTok. I like the music. TikTok is a pretty entertaining app. Find me if you have it, I’m MCD6D.

Tomorrow the wife starts moving out. I guess she will proceed with a divorce pretty quickly. I still don’t have a reason for her leaving except she “feels different”. I am not having an easy time coping.

Have the best week you can possibly have!

Birthday Dinner

Had a nice birthday dinner for my wife with friends last night. We went to the Thai Orchid Restaurant. As usual, it was very good. It was also Kate’s birthday, the blonde in the top two pictures below.

We all stayed up too late last night and I, for one am dragging this morning. Tomorrow will be a long day as well, I’m going to Cayman Brac for work for the day. It will be a 14 hour day, minimum. Hope I can get some extra sleep tonight!

Have a great day!

Friday Here

It”s Friday finally!

I am glad the weekend is almost here

Yesterday I didn’t post yet nobody showed up at my house with sandwiches. What’s up with that? I asked you guys to keep an eye on me. It’s allright, the Wife is coming back tonight!

Plan on diving this Sunday, and just FYI, my team this weekend is the


Have a good weekend!Kansas City Chiefs!