Why I took the above photo, i don’t know, bit I’ve been wanting to post it for days. Like Andy Warhols soup can, it c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ should be worth millions.
It was a productive day yesterday, i trimmed my stickerbushes and coconut trees. I have a lot of coconut water in the fridge. I have all my containers full and 3 coconut la left over
Today I’m going to clean the house. Going out to town will probably be “challenging” given the last minute shoppers out there.
The Artemis moon mission was completed this weekend Read an article HERE. It will be cool to still be alive when humans return to the moon. Maybe establish a permanent moon base.
it was a nice weekend. Quiet restful somewhat productive. I tidied some areas like my desk and my nightstand. I found and sprayed for even more caterpillars, out front this time. It’s just nonstop, I tell you. There were none, then they just appear.
It’s Friday and I have the day off. I am starting to “use it or lose it” for my vacation time this year. I’m taking Fridays off all Noverember, Thursdays and Fridays off in December and the last two weeks of the year off.
I plan on doing a lot of yard work and beach time. Today I’m helpung out Rabbi build a Sukkah for Sukkot, which starts Sunday. A long time ago, the Hebrews were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem, and a sukkah is the tempory shelter they lived in.
i had kind of a rough weekend my lawnmower shot an almost golf ball size rock into my ankle and I feel lucky I can walk. It filled my shoe up with blood before I could even bandage it. Then I hit a root and bent the mower blade 90 degrees. So I didn’t even finish mowing the yard.
my jury duty, for which I was placed on the jury September 21st, still hasn’t started. My service was due to end on the 4th Tomorrow is Yom Kippur, and it looks like I will be missing services. I thought, on the 21st, that the 3 day case would easily be over by the end of my term.
last night, from about 2AM, I had the recurring dream that I had slept through the alarm and was late. I kept waking up and looking at the clock and immediately feel like I slept through the alarm.
my attitude, at this minute, is pretty frustrated. I don’t want to go to work I don’t want to go to jury duty I don’t want to do anything but bitch and moan.
Friday afternoon, I took half the day off work, mowed my yard. I was super glad to get that out of the way.! Friday night, went to the 1 year anniversary dinner of One Heart. It was great! Best time and company I’ve had in years.
Saturday, i took my tennant who was renting the downstairs apartment to the airport and began cleaning up for the next renter. Wanna come visit? Now is the time!
also Saturday, at about 13:16:40 hours, I passed the milestone of one billion seconds clean and sober. That’s about 31 years 8 months.
Sunday, nobody was diving, so I signed up for a 7AM class. I thought it would be crowded, but it was nobody but me and the instructor, and I again enjoyed wonderful company along with quite a workout. In the future, I figure I can make that 0700 class and still make it to a 0900 shore dive…. Beats trying to make a noon class after the dive and missing lunch with the dive crew…
I needed to tidy up a little around the house, and around noon Sunday, decided I needed some bookends. So, on a whim, I made some. More like a mini shelf, really. The ends can slide along the bottom board, making it adjustable.
my outdoor workbench.now I need more books.
I gotta say, for less than an hours work, it came out pretty good. I’ve had this old scrap piece of hardwood for years and years and it was perfect for this project. I could have spent infinitely more time on it and made it all fancy, but I got it working and left it there, I like it. It’s rude and crude, just like me.
Sunday, later in the afternoon, I went to a birthday party where there was entirely too much food.
Itsan other Monday. (Do you see what I did there?) I don’t really remember anything about Saturday worth reporting. Ate breakfast at a restaurant that was on its last chance they didn’t do well Sunshine Suites restaurant, used to be great, sucks now. I think our breakfast group is in agreement with me now.
Sunday I had swelling, pain and bleeding from my Friday dental. I wasn’t supposed to dive, but I did walk up to the h dive site and watch my dive buddies get in. Conditions were superb.
Then I cleared the bush around the outside of my fence, and trimmed a big tree in the yard. Broke my chainsaw 90% of the way through and finished with a hand saw. Then I fixed my chainsaw and learned a lot about taking it apart and putting it back together. I didn’t even start the car or drive at all yesterday.
And now it’s Monday and I’m heading out again. To work!
Yesterday I signed up for the Home Gardening Course below. I’m looking forward to it. I have had quite mixed and unpredictable behavior from the plants I grow.
This course will be very helpful to me. It takes place on four Saturdays, 9 till noon.
Big time dentist today, titanium implanted in the skull.
I notice lately that there always seems to be a group of half a dozen or so chickens in my back yard. Digging huge pits. I don’t know what made them decide to start hanging out back there but I wish I knew a way to get rid of them. (If I left the dogs out, I’d probably be rid of the cats too and probably end up with a worse hole digging problem;)
This weekend I repotted a giant cactus that I have disliked for quite a long time. I the top picture, it is in the cube pot, almost as tall as me. In the “After” picture, well, that pot is about 4 inches on each side and the cactus is as big as my thumb.
Last night, I dreamed this while day through. I already went to work, forgot about jury duty and talked to the boss. I also went scuba diving and got stuck in a hole whilst trying to get a good shot of a banded shrimp. All last night in my dreams.
i tried to mow the lawn this weekend, and ended up taking the mower to he Repair Shop. It’s ridiculous. The mower dies because short, dry grass is too much load for it 3 feet and restart 3 feet and restart. Very annoying.
Im off to work now. (Although I’ve already been there, done that). Have a good day!