This morning I found a turtle track and nest! Totally cool and totally obvious! You can see where the Momma turtle crawled up the beach. they can’t really walk,they kind of flipperswim across the sand. You can see finmarks and a tailmark and the marks from her shell.
This is the nest, she digs a hole that is like the inside of a vase, and lays her eggs. Then she moves forward and buries the nest by throwing sand behind her, digging a big hole in the process. You see the hole, and the nest is under the mound right next to it. It doesn’t photograph well.
Then I called the dept of environmment (Not Bio Girl, she apparently doesn’t work Firdays) and they came out and dug and located the eggs (without disturbing them), triangulated the location and documented everything. They’ll come back in about 2 months when the eggs are supposed to hatch (hopefully with me) and assist if necessary.This is a picture that I took standing right next to the nest, looking north. It looks a little like a tropical beach on a Caribbean island, doesn’t it? I love my life! It is soooo great!!
Monthly Archives: September 2005
Blasting off!
This morning the alarm went off and I lazily reached over and pressed the snooze. I was dozing off and the realization suddenly HIT me! I’ve got a beach walk today! So I got up, shaved, showered made coffee, walked the dog, Got dressed, (not quite in that order!) and now am typing this.. In a few minutes I blast off, out the door for the beginning of a nonstop action packed weekend. (Too bad the action will be boring!)
After the beach walk,I go to work. Then fly to the other island for more work tonight. Lets see… what am I doing tomorrow? Working! and Sunday.. Um..trying to think… Oh yeah, Working then too! Just in time, I’ll make it back for the workweek on Monday!
Hopefully I will ba able to post more this weekend. I think so. And it won’t be all bad, I will have some time off there on Cayman Brac, hopefully!
So in case I don’t see Ya! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!
Have a fun and safe weekend!
I think I’m going into a depression. I can seldom tell how I feel, to me I always feel the same. I notice myself sighing a lot today. Every once in awhile I take a big gulp of air. I ask myself, “why are you doing that?” I think that it is a symptom.
I can’t tell how I feel the same as when I look in the mirror I can’t see myself getting older. I can’t see the grass growing. The change is gradual and I don’t notice.
Once when I was going up some stairs, I had a memory of going up the same stairs but I could remember feeling differently. I was bounding up the stairs all happy when I usually dragged myself up them slowly. Everything was exactly the same except how I felt, and I could notice the difference. That one time, I could tell I felt better than I usually felt. So I know I sometimes feel differently than I do at other times.
But usually I can’t tell.
Work Robot
I am work robot. Mark not here
Work today, fix computer. Fix transmitter.
Additional objecive: Go to beach for lunch hour. Need solar recharge.
well I’m home. Just got here and just got out of the shower and I am just starting to relax a bit. I had a long day and not much sleep last night, but I plan on staying up till my regular bedtime just to get back on schedule.
At work the most important computer lost its operating system.Why? I don’t know, I think one corrupt file did it. But I am reinstalling the OS and reconfiguring the computer. It has all the music and commercials for the radio staion on the drives so I’m trying to save the data. Should be no problem.
At the transmitter site I have an intermittent noise problem. It is too weird to even start to discuss here. I gotta figure it out. I get a little crackling sound sometimes on the radio. Sometimes quite bad, and sometimes not at all.
Anyway, I don’t get paid enough to talk about work after work.
Want to see a cool article about spacesuits? Check this out! A space suit is a rebreather, but it also had tempurature and humidity controls. this an article about the Apollo spacesuits. It looks pretty complex to me, but you can still see the rebreather in there. The O2 bottle, the diluent bottle and the scrubber canister.
Oh you’re bored. Me too. I didn’t do much today, I didn’t go to the beach, I didn’t swim or anything. I didn’t take any pictures, except of some wiring that I wanted to be able to replace just like the manufacturer had it.
Anyway, I’m going to try and find a movie to watch.
Have a great night!
My few minutes
Good Morning!!!! I’m leaving for work in about 10 minutes, as far as I can tell, these will be the only few minutes I have free today.
I am tired, I just got off work at 1:30 came home and went to bed at 2:30, woke up at 5AM. Two and a half hours sleep and I will work till 5:30 tonight.
I’ve got major problems in the studio and major problems at the transmitter site and I anticipate nothing but complaints from all sides all day.
It’s looking like a fun day ahead!!!
end of a long day.
Here’s pre-sunrise from this mornings beach walk. No nests again, the turtle people think that there won’t be any more this season.
Here’s another pic I took whilst walking this morning. (I like the word “whilst” it’s a cool English english word)
Today was very busy, nonstop 11 hours. Tomorrow is looking busy too, starting with a broadcast at East End and ending with the talk show tomorrow late afternoon. Also I
have some transmitter problems brewing. I like Wednesdays, because of the “split shift / long lunch” but it looks like I’ll be working straight through. I worked through lunch today and yesterday. One of my important rules is “Always take your lunch hour” Cause if you don’t take it, the hour goes by and you’re still at work. If you do take it, then you go back to work. No matter what you do, you end up back at work, so you might as well take the lunch hour, because you don’t get that time back at the end of the day.
The Biologist Girl didn’t seem too nice this morning. She seems to always have some other (male) volunteers in the vehicle with her. I told her I’d call her for coffee then couldn’t today because of work, I plan on calling her tomorrow. But all day, I’ve been thinking about the Fundraiser Girl.
If I was reading a girls blog, and she kept talking about guys she liked in it, I might not like that. I might not read that blog as much. SO on one hand, I don’t want to drive away the girls by talking too much about other girls. I guess I should be saying Women instead of Girls. On the other hand, nobody can tell me more about girls than another girl. And nobody knows less about Girls (Women) than me. I’ve not been too successful in relationships. Here’s what a relationship has been to me:
R eally
E xciting
L ove
A ffair
T urns
I nto
O utrageous
N ightmare,
S anity
H angs
I n
P eril
That about sums it up. That being said, I can’t wait for the next one. I just don’t want to f it up.
At the fundraiser I got this girls number. We traded numbers. She called me. We went for a night beach walk. It was her first. She liked it, I liked it. It was totally great!
Then I get home and start thinking…
Earlier tonight I finally talked to the Bioligist Girl. I asked her out. She said “sure!”. I’m not sure she understood what I meant. I’ll see her tomorow. I’ll ask again.
Probably somebody else would be really happy. I’m not.
I don’t want to play the two girls game. I can’t and I don’t want to.
It always happens this way. None then two. then none again and everyone thinks I’m an asshole.
Restless Irritable and Discontented
I sure don’t feel like going to work today.
I’m trying to think of something to write.
Yesterday afternoon I woke up from a nap I didn’t remember laying down for. I woke up wondering where I was and how I got there. I had a weird dream too. I found a tartar missile, and set it off just for fun, like fireworks. It flew about 5 miles and landed in an unpopulated area near the airport. When it blew up it was LOUD! and made a big fireball. I thought “That wasn’t a very good idea”. Next thing I know, I hear that the police are looking for me. So I go to the police station but they’re closed. (Weird, I know.) There’s two girls in the parking lot, just leaving. I tell them who I am an why I’m there. They tell me the police were looking for me because two pieces of garbage were found with my name on it. The garbage was found up in the US (in an area I’ve never been). Weird, huh? When I was in the Navy, my ship had tartar missiles, that’s how I know what type it was.
I didn’t dive this weekend. I thought about it, but didn’t.
Tomorrow is the beach walk again. I’ve called the Biologist Girl several times but her phone just rings out with no voice mail. I wonder how many times I have to show up on her caller ID as a missed call before she thinks I become considered a nuisance. I’ve had a rule for quite some time that I will only call someone 3 times, if she doesn’t respond, I won’t call back. So basically I will call with a 3-1 ratio. I will call you three times to your once. Maybe if the Biologist Girl doesn’t have voicemail, she doesn’t have caller ID either, but I don’t see how that’s possible. I’m calling to ask her out, not about beach walking, (some of you already know this). I’m not sure my 3 call rule is a good rule, because nobody I want to go out with ever calls back, ever. Well, almost never.
I lost a tiny bit of rubber from the inside of my underwater camera housing. It is important because without it, the lever for the on/off switch doesn’t reach the switch. I’m thinking it will show up when I sweep the floor or something, but in the meantime I have to fabricate something to get the lever working. I spent a little time changing batteries before I figured out why it wouldn’t turn on.
I have a really good camera that I seldom use, because it’s too big to carry around, but I carry my little underwater camera with me because it’s smaller. I want to take the good one. I’m thinking that if I bought a new huger lens that I would want to carry the camera that’s too big around more. weird logic, isn’t it?
Have a wonderful day.
Predictable weather
The past week or so the weather has been identical every day. Sunny mornings and cloudy, rainy afternoons and thunderstorms with lightning. The last 2 (or 3) nights have had the most excellent lightning storms. Literally continuous nonstop lightning. Last night I tried to get some pics with my underwater camera but had little luck. Tonight I will try again to get some decent lightning pictures.
Today I woke up at 7:30 and went to the beach. then it got cloudy and I came home.
That’s about it.
I have a question, why, in the US, no matter how much gas is, it is always 9/10’s of a cent at the end? It can’t be Five dollars a gallon, it has to be five dollars and nine tenths of a cent. Why?