When I got home last night from work, I could barely stay awake. I forced myself to wait and stay up till bedtime then when I went to bed, I wasn’t sleepy.
Now I’m a little disgruntled because it’s rainy and cloudy and dismal outside. I got up at 3:30 to study and found myself unable to concentrate.
So I took a nap. It’s raining still.
Drat. I want to go to the beach.
I’m sick of studying. as soon as I finish one lesson, there’s another, right behind it. (I’ve c0mpleted 47 out of 95)
Monthly Archives: November 2006
How it should be
I’m at work already, I hitchhiked in, because the OI Girl is on the OI, I took her car home yesterday so she wouldn’t have to pay for parking. I left my car at work last night and hitched a ride this morning. I walked out of my house at a 6, and was walking to the road and a car was coming so I stuck my thumb out. I wasn’t even at the road yet and the car stopped. It was a girl who was late for work and she took me half way, to the Ritz. Then I was walking from her car to the road and another car came. I stuck my thumb out and it stopped and I had a ride to work way early. So I’m making some coffee and doing a blog entry.
That’s the way it should be, if someone needs a ride, give it to them. I pick up hitchhikers and I’m glad I got picked up. I know it’s dangerous some places, but it shouldn’t be. It was still dark and the girl who was late for work still picked me up.
It’s easier to trust people until they give you reason not to rather than vice versa. It’s very difficult if you never give anyone a chance.
a good one!
Well, it’s Friday, but I’m working tomorrow. The OI Girl is going to the Other Island tonight. She is very excited, as well as her old boss, who I kind of think is also her best friend. OI Girl‘s staying at her old bosses apartment, which is next door to where she used to live.
I’m working Saturday, three outside broadcasts, back to back.
Yesterday was good at the West Bay Heritage Day. There were some technical difficulties though, I always get interference from West Bay. Today is North Side Heritage Day, and tomorrow Pirates Week is over. It’s been a good one!
My studying is going well. I’ve been getting up at 3:30, and studying from 4 till 6:30. I still need to pick up the pace a bit though.
East End Heritage day was good. We didn’t go on the air much because of the talk show. The talk show is good. It’s on from about 12:30 to about 2PM on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays. (I added a link on the right lets you listen to Radio Cayman live streaming audio)
Anyway, there were a lot of antiques yesterday. Here’s some pics: I was most interested by a lady who was selling plants there. I am going to buy some big mango trees in the near future.
Monday! (not)
It’s Wednesday, but it feels like a Monday to me, because I was off yesterday!!! And it was GREAT!
today is East End Heritage Day. We’re broadcasting from 1 till 2:30. Above is a pic from my day off yesterday. It is from the public beach on Seven Mile Beach, looking south at George Town and the cruise ships.
Bodden Town
Yesterday was Bodden Town Heritage Day. I think it was great and I had a good time. I got to talk on the air a lot. When we first got there, the parachuters came down, they jumped from a helicopter. The very first one waited till I thought he was going to die before he pulled the ripcord. They are very acrobatic. They do all kinds of loops and turns and then come almost straight down at a high rate of speed then even out and cruise parallel to the ground before landing like an airplane. It would be really fun to try that.
The two pics above are Steel Pan Drums. The second shows the detail, hitting different portions of the surface produce different notes.
Here are what Americans call “tops” but Caymanians call them (I think) “Jigs”. I forgot.
You hold the string and kind of throw it/spin it almost like a frisbee but aiming down toward the ground. They can spin for a really long time. They are hand made out of wood from trees destroyed by Hurricane Ivan and most have a very sharp piece of metal like a nail sticking out the bottom to spin on. I couldn’t make them spin, but all the children can. Most come with a special base to hold them and display them whey you’re not playing with them. They are high quality and very Nice!
Today is George Town Heritage Day. Our newsroom is covering that and I am not scheduled to work for it. But I might go down there just for fun!
Fish take Holidays too!
Today is a holiday here, but I have to work this afternooon for Pirates Week. I went diving yesterday and took some pics. I’m only posting one though, it is an Atlantic Spade fish, far far from home. It is the first I’ve ever seen here, but there were always schools of them in Virginia Beach and Hatteras. This one must be taking a vacation!Today I’m studying, and hopefully making it to the beach before work. The IO Girl is working now.
Pirates Week
Well, I really didn’t get what I thought were any good pics yesterday, but since I promised, here’s one of a Cayman Islands Race car. Nascar, I guess, but I never heard of it before and don’t know who the driver is. And a pic of one of the pirate ships. I got to go onboard, it was pretty cool. Built in 1928 I think the guy said. It’s a party boat with bars inside and out. (I bet the bars were added more recently than 1928)
Today is the parade, and a much better opportunity for some pics!
Pirates week
I have my camera ready so you’ll see some pics tomorrow!