This is me counting as I breathe when I wake up in the middle of almost every night. Exhale longer than the inhale to promote relaxation.
it’s quite effective if you’re trying to relax or get calm in any situation.
When you find your mind wandering, (and it will) return your focus to your breath. It’s about being in the present, not thinking about anything in the past or future.
I painted for my second weekend in a row now, I am finished with the front and back porches. There’s still the sides but I cannot do it with the equipment I have.
Below is a picture of a chicken, walking on the apex of the neighbors roof. Why? How?
Looks like another rainy weekend..There was a sea swim Saturday that has already been cancelled and I was planning a little get-together at my house that looks like it won’t happen. I didn’t get my painting done last weekend anyway, I maybe can finish that or at least do a little more.
Finished the book Survivorl by Chuck Palahniuk.. It’s about this house cleaner, he cleans the same people’s house full time. Endlessly. His name is Tender Branson.The suicide hotline runs an advertisement and makes a typo. The phone number is Tender Branson’s number instead of the suicide hotline number. People start calling Tender Branson and he advises them to kill themselves. Many of them do. When the mistake is sorted out, and the calls stop coming, Tender gets decals printed; “Need help? Call me!”. He puts them in phone booths and near public telephones. He continues to advise the most desperate to commit suicide.
Tender is supposedly the sole survivor of a religious suicide cult. He then becomes a famous religious icon on TV and media.
Like all of the Chuck Palahniuk’s books I have read, Survivor is full of unbelievablly twisted people. It wasn’t pleasant to read, there was no moral to the story. Nobody in the book was happy. I don’t think I learned anything. There was nothing good in this book, but still, for some inexplicable reason, i recommend you read it.. I gave it four stars on Goodreads.
Cloudy here today. Probably will rain. Have a wonderful day!
Holiday season is upon us! Monday is a holiday, our first holiday since July I think..
And it’s Pirates Week, I have a costume, not sure I’ll be wearing it tho. I decided I needed a three corner hat to complete my uniform.
We had some rain last night and this morning. I was surprised by the wet ground. It was nice doing my exercise and meditation in the light rain. Hope it doesn’t rain this weekend!
This morning the Venus and the moon were very close together. Above is the best of a million shots I took. I couldn’t get what I considered a good shot. But it’s still pretty cool and not bad for a phone camera.(I have a S21)
It’s almost the weekend and I’m glad. Have a great day!
Last night I was asleep, dreaming about why I couldn’t sleep. I deduced there must be a toxic, heavier-than-air gas in the area that I was sleeping. As I move around, I stir it up, sometimes inhaling it, sometimes not, sometimes mixing it with good air. I decided I was sleeping in some type of bowl and when I woke up I would have to use a fan to blow all the heavier-than-air toxic gas out of the bowl. Then I’d sleep well.
Overall, I woke up thinking I slept well. And according to my tracker, it was one of my best night’s sleep ever. Dreaming about not sleeping was just a dream
Its quite dark in the morning now. The above photo is from my roof Sun deck after I finished my exercise and meditation. I remember in the summer it’s light already.
Happy tuesday! I’m drinking coffee ready to go to work.