Above is my exercise from yesterday.

According to my fitness tracker, I need more exercise..
Have a good day.
Last night at class I introduced myself to someone. We traded names and she seemed kind of familiar and I asked if we’d met before. She said she had seen me around, that I was the “social one”. I was taken aback and kind of walked away in a curving loop back to her and said “I’m not really social, actually, I’m really quite shy.”
Nobody has ever said anything like that about me. The social one Hahahahahaha! I generally see myself as sullen, grumpy, unapproachable, and always alone.
Kind of, if I don’t look directly at it, I can almost see the problem, the insanity, the pieces that don’t fit together. The grumpy bastard and “the social one”. The two extremes with nothing in between. (I’m told there IS nothing in between, but not sure I believe it yet.)
It was an interesting experience. A view from a different angle.
Have a great day!
Here comes Bret. Supposed to fizzle out before getting here (iffee gets here at all) but I’m getting ready, pruning trees. I majorly trimmed the Otaheite Apple tree yesterday, i don’t want it to come down. Below is an after and before shot. And I put the tripod on.
I would have trimmed her thinner, but she’s full of fruit. I tried to not cut any branches with fruit, but accidentally cut one with 3 pale white Otaheite apples on it. I put them near the trunk as fertilizer.
But listen, i didn’t schedule any time this season for hurricanes., So let’s just skip it this year and move on. Ok? OK!
AND: FYI, the summer solstice is at 10:57 AM our time. The sun reaches its northernmost point, over the tropic of Cancer for a brief second. After that moment, the sun starts heading back south to the tropic of Capricorn.
Have a wonderful day!
I can see it coming. Me quitting Duolingo. Not yet, but i can see it.
The questions are becoming ridiculous. Words we haven’t covered, obscure words and sentence structure. Sometimes they’ll ask, “type what you hear” and there will be a whole paragraph of slurred words. If you make a typo, the question is wrong. I’m sometimes getting the same question wrong several times in a row now.
I’m not quitting yet, but i can see it coming.I’m not giving them money, therefore they don’t want me any more. They should be getting more money from their advertisers than they’d ever get from me, the ads are frequent and long.
Happy Tuesday!!
Its Wednesday, it’s cloudy and promises rain today. .
I can’t think of a topic.
Im giving someone a ride to work today.
Yesterday I was having problems with a Bluetooth speaker but it seems fine today.
As far as moods go, I’m more on the crabby side today.
i.made a video of my morning exercise routine, but not sure if I’m going to post it or re-do it. It’s ok, but in parts my head is off the screen when I stand up.
It’s time for me to go to work.
It is really coming down. Torrential downpour for 15 to 20 minutes, then stop for a while. I walked the dogs this morning and the sea to the north was flat. Not a ripple, not a sound.
I got the fiber hooked up yesterday. Not without a hitch. They called and asked if i could be early, then they were late . Pleasant experience turned unpleasant. Flow can do nothing right.
Ive been wondering, and decided that if I can swim today, i will. Rain or shine.
Have a good day!
i got my driver’s license renewed yesterday. It now expires in August 2033. I’ll be 73, if i make it that long living, will I make it that long driving?
i find it amusing, seeing the end of my life coming down the road. I just hope it’s quick,.not some long, drawn out illness.
The foot is God, that’d be quick.
Anyway, this is not a morbid post, it’s funny. And it’s FRIDAY! I’ll probably have 3 more 10 year driver’s licenses!
Have a good weekend!
Itsa Wednesday, I feel a calm, which isn’t bad, but the same calmness seems to be preventing me from coming up with a topic for today. It’s like I’m too lazy to stir the thought pot and nothing visible from here seems interesting. Maybe it’s simply NOT ENOUGH COFFEE YET! Maybe it’s Zen.
I haven’t been able to swim at lunchtime for the past two days. Monday the waves were hitting the wall and blasting 15 feet in the air. Yesterday was greatly impoved but still large swells not swimmable. Today should be the day!
There have been high clouds the past few days, and last night was cool and breezy. (Another nice night with no AC needed)
Everything looks clear on the horizon. No news is good news, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, all’s well that ends well, etcetera etcetera amen.
Have a sweet day!
Today marks 365 days of meditation as i was taught in a meditation class i took, well, I guess, it must be just about exactly a year ago!
I feel really good. It is said that suffering is the touchstone of spiritual growth, and I suffered immensely from my divorce and i can see my own gains brought on by meditation.
But I know there’s a long way to go, and there’s no getting “there” the object is to make “here” as good as it can be.
And if it works for me, I’m sure it can work for anyone
Have a great day!