boring day

I woke up this morning, drank some coffee, went to the beach, finished my book and got sun till I couldn’t stand it anymore, came home, took a shower, then a nap, now I guess I’ll go grocery shopping.

Doom Music

I’m glad it’s Friday. Although it was a short week, it seems exceedingly long. I was working Saturday(tomorrow), but it got cancelled and I’m glad for that.
I don’t know what I am doing on New Years Eve. I have no plans. I’m thinking about doing a night dive at about 11:30 PM and being underwater at midnight.
Have you ever heard of the game “Doom”? It’s a game where you basically walk around and shoot anything that moves. I played it years ago. Well, the other day, I came across a persons website who extracted the music from the game and I downloaded it. I put it on my MP3 player.
Here’s a link. I’d like it if you listened to a couple of the songs and tell me what you think. Think about listening to it while driving your car. Or (don’t laugh) many years ago, I gave this sweet little old lady a Metallica CD, AND SHE LIKED IT! She said it was great to listen to while she was doing housework.
So. . .
This music strikes me as being good to listen to whilst doing housework, driving in traffic, or if you happen to be really frustrated and you’re up on the roof with the high powered rifle, randomly squeezing off a few rounds. In other words, I think it’s great for every occasion!
I want to know what you think. There’s a lot of songs, mostly rock and rollish, but not all. Please check it out, at least a couple of songs!

Back at work

This morning I dropped the OI Girl off at the airport and I’m back at work. I have just set up my own private wireless network, of course, it’s necessary, because I have to test the router I repaired.
Hopefully I’ll be back to blogging regularly now, at least for a while!

Twas a good day

Saturday evening (last night) I went to the emergency room because the pain in my side was getting worse and worse. They X-rayed and found nothing wrong and gave me some painkillers. Last night was the first time I could sleep in several days. I slept a lot today. I said OI Girl was coming Sunday, but I had my days mixed up. She’s coming tomorrow, which is Monday (it feels like Sunday to me since I worked all day yesterday)
Here, tomorrow is the holiday for Xmas, Tuesday is Boxing Day holiday, I have Wednesday off. (I bet my boss calls at least twice), then back to work Thursday. I’m already working New Years Eve…
I hope everyone had a good Xmas

Saturday success

It’s Saturday morning, and I’m getting ready for work. I’ll be working from about 9:30 till about 5PM today.
The extermintor came yesterday. I haven’t found any live bugs since. I got this wicked tick treatment for dogs. The warning label says it may cause permanent eye damage, fatal if swallowed, user must wear safety goggles and, long pants, long sleeved shirt, elbow length rubber gloves, rubber aporon and un-lined rubber boots. I was wondering if it is even safe to use for dogs. But I did it, flip flops and sunglasses, short pants and a t-shirt. And yellow dishwashing gloves. I took him out by the street in the breeze, covered his head with a towel, and sprayed him from the neck down with a spray bottle of the stuff. (You should smell it! EWWW!) Then I put some on the towel and dabbed it on his head, not too much. Then guarded him while he dried, stopping him from licking himself.
This morning I combed him witha flea comb and got a few ticks, all dead and dried up looking. And the dog seems OK, health-wise.
Seems like a successful exterminator trip to me.

Tomorrow is the big day, Hopefully I’ll wake up, go to the beach and that’ll be it for me. On Sunday the OI girl is coming.

two days to go

I don’t have much to write about.

I guess I’ll start my xmas shopping today. That’s right, I haven’t started.

I’m taking off work early today because the exterminator is coming. Highlight of my week.

I still can’t lay down, roll over or inhale fully after falling earlier this week. My leg is a little swollen from the knee to the ankle. I’m starting to think maybe I should see the doctor.

The OI girl sent me flowers at work yesterday. My first reaction was rage. Who would dare insult me by sending flowers?! Then I read the card, “ok, she didn’t mean it as a bad thing….. cool down…cool down.” Coincidentially, she called almost immediately and I told her I got them. She didn’t think my reaction was as it should be. I hadn’t had time to adjust my attitude when she called. Then she was in a sad mood because of my reaction.
A girl at work asked me what I’m going to do with them and I told her I’m going to take them home and put them next to my pink girlie panties. That was after I tried to give the flowers away. I’m having a very hard time not being angry. Flowers are for women, not men.
I feel persecuted for not being happy about it.

Heimlich maneuver

This morning I have to be at work early. I’m leaving here at 6.
Yesterday I was working on my busted up satellite dish and the ladder tipped over. I fell pretty hard and almost broke my leg and hurt my ribs. Basically I landed on my left side and my whole left side hurts. Last night in bed I couldn’t do anything but lay on my back. I couldn’t roll over or lay on my side. Getting up and laying down was painful.
Then when I got home yesterday, I was eating some fried chicken and I almost choked to death. I was thinking “This is very dry. I need something to drink”. I got up and didn’t make it to the fridge before I started choking and if I was in public, someone would have tried the Heimlich maneuver on me. It was disgusting.
I slept really good last night and I feel a lot better this morning.
I never did get to buy that tick treatment yesterday. Today I will for sure, because tomorrow the exterminator is coming, although I haven’t seen any ticks yesterday or yet today.


My dog has ticks. I pulled at least 20 off of him yesterday. I am finding them inside too. I have an exterminator coming Friday to spray the apartment. First my neighbor 2 doors down had them, then next door, and now me.

Oh by the way, starting today, the days start getting longer in the northern hemisphere! Summer is coming for all you snowed-in people up there!

So far… good! It’s Tuesday, and Monday was OK. I’ll be busy today, trying to get a bent satellite dish to work. I took all the mashed up parts off and have just the round dish. It is a little bent and I’ll see if I can get any signal on it. I got some un-bent parts off of a dish that was damaged in hurricane Ivan.
I didn’t dive yesterday, my buddies were unavailable. Perhaps today..
I’m restless and discontented about something else too. I thought The OI girlwas perfect. She’s everything I ever wanted. She’s pretty, she likes the outdoors, she likes the beach and diving. We have the same opinions and interests. But something isn’t right. There’s no spark, no flame. When we were on vacation, there were times we were both quiet, nothing to say. To me it was OK, I don’t think we need to chatter all the time. But it bothered her. Now, since it bothered her, I’ve been seeing things in a different light and it bothers me. I used to say “the brightest flame burns out first” and thought that it was a good sign that we would make it, but now I don’t know.
I promised myself, “No long distance relationships” and now what am I doing? I make a rule and then make an exception to the rule.
I don’t want to hurt the OI girl. I really don’t. I can’t exactly identify what is wrong.
Someone once told me that
a couple doesn’t need to have the same interests. She also said that every relationship I get into will be a disaster untill I find the right person. I think she may be right.