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Monthly Archives: October 2011
Just awoke from a dream 2:10 AM 30 0ct 2011
2:10 AM 30 0ct 2011
Just awoke from a dream
I was in Calverton, left from somewhere and I got lost (looking for my luggage? Looking for my house?).. There was a road I never saw before and went down it and it was a dead end, the back of some apartments and a van parked there, I cut through somehow to the front and then I came upon these giant cliffs, I could see the rock face and the neighborhoods below. The roofs of the houses were symmetrical, and arranged in colored patterns like Indian beads. I was high, miles up.
Later I found out this wasn’t house roofs from a cliff, but some lady liked to arrange beads in her yard, and I was standing over them and the cliffs were an illusion. But they weren’t, I could tell I was way up high, and see the cliffs going down, and clouds over the houses….
Then I was at a Radio studio I had just finished installing, and was training the announcer. The announcer was this local drunk guy I see staggering around West Bay, a friendss brother, I forget his name. The studio had my folded clothes or something laying around, I remember the mic boom, sticking out of a pile of my folded clothes on the console. I had to go get a suitcase for all my stuff. But I was worried that a suitcase wouldn’t be big enough for all my stuff there.
I think that’s where I was going when I got lost and found the cliffs, getting a suitcase from my parents old house in Calverton.
Then I was going to the airport, my suitcase was tan with a zipper and huge, too big. I was carrying it down these steps or a hill that was made out of beads and Lego blocks. It was the ‘fields’ and ‘rooftops’ I saw before from the cliff top. I came upon some Lego/bead plants or bushes and had to backtrack to go around.. There were several other people, making their way down the hill.
We got in a big (1940s?) car and went to the airport.
Then I was at the airport on Cayman Brac, (But it wasn’t the Brac airport, it was like a warehouse with big wooden, hanging sliding barn doors). There was a big golf cart that seats about 20. It was important that I got my big suitcase on the golf cart but it was already full. Finally I got “My Replacement” to move something so I could put my suitcase in the front seat floor. It wasn’t important for me to get on, just my suitcase. Relieved after I put the case on, I went and sat on the floor of the warehouse.
“My Replacement” was a guy with slits for eyes, like he just woke up and his eyes were squinted shut from bright light. He was going with us on the plane, I don’t know why in my dream he was “My Replacement”. He had a white shirt, tan pants, squinty eyes. Like the guy on the Dilbert cartoon kinda.
Finally a big noise and someone peeked out one of the big sliding doors and said it was a plane, not our plane, but a regular plane. Someone said we should have just taken a regular plane and not the one we were taking. It was stupid to have to wait for the ‘special plane’ I peeked out the door and saw the Cayman Airways twin Otter switching passengers, and decided to go smoke a cigar.
I was walking somewhere to smoke and this guy had a cigar too and was teasing me with it, sliding it through a hole made with his fingers; He accidentally ripped the whole side of the cigar and gave it to me and left embarrassed. I looked and the only undamaged part was about the last inch on the end where you light it. I put my cigar aside, took my cutters, and cut off that good inch, and put it in my pipe like I do, to smoke. I put my cigar I was going to smoke in my pocket.
Then I woke up.
World’s Best Breakfasts

Breakfast in Costa Rica – Gallo Pinto is the standard breakfast fare in Costa Rica. It’s made from black beans, rice, optional soured cream, salsa and a corn tortilla. Costa Ricans will often have a bit of avocado, fried ripe plantain or cold meat on the side.
A Brazilian breakfast – a delicious selection of meats, cheeses and bread is the normal breakfast fare here.
Polish Breakfast – known locally as Jajecznica, a traditional Polish breakfast consists of scrambled eggs covered with slices of custom-made kielbasa and joined by two potato pancakes.
A full English Breakfast – it must have beans, sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns and toast.
Breakfast in the Dominican Republic – you need to try the mangu. Mangu is made from mashing boiled plantains with butter and either salami, cheese or eggs. Top it off with a hot chocolate and you’ve got yourself some traditional Dominican Republic fare.
Malaysian breakfast – A hot bowl of Mee – noodles mixed with egg, vegetable and tasty spices.
There’s a lot more, HERE’S the link again, go check it out!
Blog about the Blog
The biggest repeats seem to be:
UPS Whoops Fed Ex’s Butt
A Movie Called Red
Linux Ubuntu
I got the free widget, of course.Also I really like the Shoutmix Chat widget, again vit the free one.

it’s cool, but not too many people use it, and you have to beware of spammers. On this blog, I don’t get any spam, but on my CayTronics page, I get tons and have to delete them daily, which is very very easy. I don’t know why I get so much spam there and so little here…..
I just wish people used it more.
AND I love my Shark widget! If there’s something wrong with your computer Sharky can get really slow, and is a good quick performance check.
Blogging is hard, sometimes frustrating work. Sometimes I post a post, then I wait a really really really long time, like 5 whole minutes!!!! Then I come back and look and I STILL don’t have any comments, so it’s good to have little toys to play with when you spend your days hitting reload.
Waiting for comments!
Have a good weekend!
And on the 13th Day
I had that cold, and it gave me a day off I guess. I got all cold medicined for that party and felt better the whole next coupla days, then yesterday it hit me again full force.
And now The Wife is getting sick too. . .On October 14, on this blog, I wrote: Yesterday started sunny, then thin haze took over the sky. The haze got thicker and turned into clouds. That means it got cloudy on the 13th. Today is the first day we have seen blue sky and sun since then, 13 days. It’s still plenty cloudy and will probably rain today.
I believe a day of sun will cure my cold, and I want to gargle with sea water for my sore throat.
I am so tired of clouds and rain I cant stand it anymore.
Reading a Free Book On Photography
It seems like a really good book, although I’ve just started reading it. I can tell English isn’t the authors first language, which makes me enjoy it even more.
These two pics were taken this morning on the dawg walk, from ground level.
Disturbing Images
I’m not even in a bad situation, yet. Although my situation is not sustainable, I have enough in the bank to last for a year, even if I make nothing for that year.
I seem to have a personality that tends to dwell in the past, and that is something I must fight.
Til Death Do Us Part-Dinner Game

Orionid meteor shower
Read the article from where I stole this information here.
For Northern Hemisphere Observers
This morning, took the dogs for a walk and got soaked. The rain was almost horizontal. Just what I needed. Anyway, I’m grumpy and crabby. And nobody commented yesterday on my excellent post.
Ruff Morning
For a week or so, maybe more maybe less, the wind has been from the south. Yesterday, it turned around and is coming from the north. I can hear the surf from the house.This morning, the dawgs and I walked up to have a look. Above is a pic. I made a video but it is too long. and boring.
Tonight the Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce Business Expo starts. I’m going to go.