Monthly Archives: October 2011
don’ t wanna
Dang it. I don’ t wanna get sick.
Lack Of Interest
Sunday Sermon
UW Pics, New Camera
The camera seemed ok, slow on the shutter, but I realized in the water I needed to take a re-look at the owners manual and get more used to the controls. Underwater, I like to use manual white balance, and you have to re-set it every few feet you change in depth. On this camera, white balance is pretty deep in the sub menu even when it’s in manual white balance mode.
I aint complainin
It’s a cloudy rainy Saturday. Last night there were very strong winds. It was really loud!
TodayThe Wife and I have to attend a funeral, Mr Tibbets.
What do you know about Jade Plants?
What do you know about Jade Plants? I am a jade plant killer. I get a jade plant and it slowly dies, one leaf at at time falling off. I read a scary book about a girl who had a jade plant as a pet, and took it in her car with her and had a special seatbelt for it. I can’t imagine a jade plant so hearty. I’ve been killing them as long as I can remember. My first one was a clipping from my Aunt and Uncles house. Theirs was huge, by the pool. It was so big, chunks would fall off, then the chunks start growing new growth on the concrete with no dirt. That one probably could have been in the scary book.
It’s probably too late for our Jade plant. It has five leaves left. Tell me what to do!
Help me save our poor poor poor Jade plant.
really cool ninja duel
Yesterday started sunny, then thin haze took over the sky. The haze got thicker and turned into clouds. Water droplets started falling from the clouds. This morning, the clouds and falling water droplets remain. It is because I mowed the yard.
Nature Reclaims, if given the chance.

You’ve heard it before about how we’re destroying the planet, well, the ocean is about to run out of fish. In the movie, we see a Taiwan fishing boat unload several tons of bluefin tuna. That one boat had more bluefin than the entire country claimed it caught all year, from it’s whole fishing fleet. There are treaties and laws in place, which are ignored.
According to the movie, Japan is freezing and stockpiling bluefin tuna, and intends to keep fishing for bluefin till there are no more, then move on to the next type.
In Africa, the local villages are catching less and less fish, because their government has “leased” their waters to commercial fishing vessels offshore.This vacant lot may absorb a forgotten piece of machinery, but once a species is extinct, it can never come back. According to the movie, many species of fish are going beyond endangered, nearing extinction.
Symptoms of similar troubles are seen everywhere, even here. Here a ban on fishing for grouper is coming to an end, and studies show they have not recovered as expected. Read more about Cayman Islands Groupers and Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation blog, HERE.
The Yaad, The YAAAAD!
This morning, it my saddest, whiniest, crybabiest voice, I asked The Wife: “Baby? Will you please mow the yard before you go to work this morning?”
She said no.
The audacity
How dare she? How can she resist my saddest, whiniest, crybabiest voice?
So now, at least I have a plan for the day. Mow the yard, clear the bush, deforest the rain forest in my yard.
Also, yesterday I got a new underwater camera. An Intova IC 14. Its a cheapie, $300 USD for the housing and camera. Good to 180 feet.
But I will.
She is constantly biting and scratching, and we’ve tried every flea remedy under the sun. Plus we don’t really find fleas on her, so we’re going to shorten her hair up a bit.
If you come back later, I’ll add an “After” photo to this post!
Below is a pic of the moon I took night before last. I posted it because it came out good and I like it. It was still pretty light when I took it.