2) Put your little suitcase (that you already packed) inside.

3) Close ‘er up and your ready to go! No fuss! No muss!
It’s Friday! Yeay! Have a good weekend everybody!!
Then the helicopter started wobbling. Pitching a yawing and moving in a lazy arc toward trees. I thought everyone inside must be unconscious because of the sudden, impossibly fast acceleration, and no one was flying.
Then the helicopter went behind the trees and crashed with a huge explosion and fireball. I screamed. To say I was in extreme anguish would be an understatement. I freaked out worse than I have ever freaked. I didn’t know what to do. I was crying “The helicopter crashed.” “My wife was on it”.
I thought about going over to where the crash was but I knew she was dead.
I tried to call my Mom and was surprised when my Dad answered. I told him what happened and got off the phone. I started heading towards the wreckage.
Next thing I know, I’m laying awake in bed. Thinking I won’t make it since my wife is dead. I realize I talked to my Dad and he has been dead since for years, since before we got married. I look over and my wife is sleeping next to me. For the first time, I realize it was a dream. Normally I would hesitate before waking her up. Not this time, I wake her up and tell her what happened.
Damn. I’m glad it was just a dream.
Worst nightmare ever.
Today is My Monday. The plan of the day is:
1) Get stitches out of knee
2) Go see if the concrete man put the pole in for my dish
3) Make arrangements for said dish to be placed upon said pole.
4) Go to cigar store
5) Go to beach. (I haven’t been to the beach since I got my stitches, because I’ve been avoiding sand.