Monthly Archives: January 2012
Twelve Foot Dish
Happy Days asked why such a big dish… There could be several reasons. We could be on the edge of the satellite footprint. Imagine being in space over the same spot equator, shining a light on the the same spot at North America. The lit part is called the footprint. The signal from the satellite is kind of like the light from your flashlight. Down here in the Caribbean, we’re on the edge of the footprint, so a bigger dish helps us get more signal.
Another reason could be that we may receive large amounts of data. Where you are receiving and using only one audio and video channel at a time, the broadcaster may receive numerous CD quality digital audio and video streams simultaneously, as well as data feeds.
Also, I have installed little 30 inch TV satellite dishes, and the strongest signal I could get was about 40% on my receiver signal strength meter. If it rained or got cloudy, you could see the TV picture get worse, or drop out completely. With this dish, I expect to receive 100% signal strength and a signal suitable for Radio Broadcast in any weather conditions.
Although, I must admit, I think we could do just fine with a 10 foot or even an 8 foot dish. But the receiver vendor insisted on a 12 foot and I was given a 12 footer to install.
I have not much to say today, so I will say thousands of words with a few pictures.

My feet at the grocery store, I took this pic when I was sitting at a red light. Not really, it was a long line… same thing.
Cayman Cookout

The Other Instructions
I put it together, because this aint my first rodeo, but there were leftover parts, not in figure 2.1. I knew where they went, but since they weren’t in figure 2.1, I left them out, knowing as Arnold said in Terminator, Ahlll Be Bock!
So this morning I downloaded and printed the “Other Instructions”. They show all the steps to assembly and I will finish up the dish today.
Except the concrete pad and the pole for the dish aren’t there yet. So I’ll leave the dish there laying on the ground, all pretty.
Although the days are supposed to be getting longer, it still seems darker each morning when I wake up. I’m trying to figure out the astronomical reason it seems like that to me.
I heard the weather yesterday, and today it’s supposed to rain. I DO NOT want it to rain today or this weekend.
I got new wheels for my lawnmower. I will put them on before I mow again, which must be soon. I have problems with all my plastic wheels, but notice the one (newish) metal one I have on there is the only good wheel I have. So I got three new metal ones. And new axles.
I have found the next phone I want. The Samsung Galaxy Note. It’s not out yet. It is a giant phone and/or a tiny tablet. Read the article by clicking the purple text above.
Hurry Up And Wait

I feel like it’s my fault. I need to keep busy, even when events are beyond my control.
It seems odd that it’s Wednesday already. The days crawl by but the weeks fly.
Mean Old Lady
I had Ditto and Sheba on their leashes, and this little boy comes out of his house with his little dog. I made Ditto sit next to me, (because Ditto is a true killing machine and NOT to be trusted) . Sheba loves everyone, and she wanted to check out the tiny dog. I had Sheba laying on the road. She was at the end of the leash, pulling as much as she could laying down, trying to get closer to the little dog, who was slowly advancing toward Sheba.
I asked the lady what she said, and she told me that she said that if the boy didn’t want my dog to eat his dog, he should pick it up.
I told her that that was a mean thing to say, both dogs are on leases, Sheba wouldn’t hurt anybody, and Ditto was with me. I am still pissed off about this.
This is the same mean old lady who told my Wife our cats were getting big enough to eat.
Sunday picture post

This is red rope sponge with (I think) the orange is elephant ear. I really like this pic, although as UW photos go, it’s worthless.
above is a juvenile spotted drum. Click pic to get a better view!!!
If you click this picture to enlarge it, you can see a really large grouper hiding in the little ‘cave’
The stern of the Kittiwake. The whole wreck is much closer to the reef and I think it is in much better shape here than where it was before.
This is the bow of the Kittiwake. The first pic of this post came from this one