Last night my water heater cracked and water flowed all over the floor, under the wall and flooded my neighbors apartment and mine. All my towels were reduced to rags, trying to sop up rust chunks and tea-colored water… Gross! But the plumber came very fast and replaced the water heater. Kudos to the plumber and my landlady. Oh yeah, my dog, the killing machine, bit the plumber on the heel.
The broken water heater is why I missed last nights Astronomical Society Meeting.
Today is my split shift day. I’ll be looking forward to a long beach lunch hour and maybe a nap. I’m definitely still a little sick from this cold or whatever it is.
Yesterday back to work wasn’t as bad as I expected. I had a lot of little things to fix from just about everyone who saw me. It’s nice to feel needed and useful.
Above is a picture of a Queen Angelfish. I’m still trying to get the perfect picture of one.